Carinho do pai in London

Carinho do pai, collaboration with Lil Angola’s (@lilangolas) happened on 15th of December at TURN (@turn__shop ) in London🟢
Na-turelle Juices (@naturelle.juices) also joined this time🫶
Carinho do pai means “The love of father” in Portuguese, the concept was inspired by the concept of Lil Angola’s.

Lil Angola's is based in London, a multisensory concept featuring food, film & music. We explore cultural connectivity through collaboration, conversation and culinary delights.

The practice represents this concept in the artwork called Human Abstract. BLOTTO joined with live painting in this time.

"Yo bro, what is it like to be a father?
-Children are the single greatest gift/honour bestowed upon us by the almighty creator."
Life hasn’t stopped yet.